Tuesday, February 4, 2014

3. The History of Americas before the colonization by the Europeans 29th of January of 2014

29th of January of 2014

We have done for the second day:

The origin of American mankind or human kind.

At the second day, the teacher has given us information about the origin of American mankind or humankind, more or less the real origin of the natives. He has said that the origin is not a very known topic, but we know that ,when first Europeans arrived to Americas, they said that the people who lived there weren't human. Now, we can say that americans and african natives are in a similiary position like us.

After that, he has told us, that in a 15th and 16th centuries started the question, where they(natives) get inside in Americas. Add to that, in these centuries was known that all of human are descendant of Adam and Eve. To continue with this, Rome's Pope thought that, all of the natives had be able to became christian, because they have soul. And with that we can say that are human.

The second question, the teacher told us, that they(15th and 16th people) made is how and when arrived to Americas those humans. In these centuries, it said that the first human were from Egipt or Mesopotamia, because when the Judean people(Jewish) had to go to Mesopotamia, went more people than when they returned to Judea, and said that the rest people had thrown China, Persia, Siberia and at the end they arrived to Americas.

But then, the teacher told us, in 1598, Jose de Acosta wrote another book with another kind of ideas about this topic. He tried to answer three questions, that are where, how and when arrived to Americas, more or less like the others. But he didn't use mithology creatures, like eagle of Ganimedes or Pegaso. And he put another question, that was whom, how and when get inside animals like the wolf, that are so dangerous for the people. And he had gave some land where the animals came. The lands are: Europe, Artic Pole, Asia and Atlantic Ocean.

Furthermore Acosta said, that first of all natives arrived from not know place, but it possible was from Europe(Germanic sea, Bacallaos sea or Pole).

At 19th century appeard changes about this topic. First of all, christianity lost the hegemony, the scientifics thought that were 2 or 3 different species. So might be human kind from America are autochtonism and multiorigin is possible too.
And, at the end of the century, the scientifics thought that it was imposible multiorigin, and they put only a single origin, and American people origin was more probable that was allocthonism.

At 20th century, the allocthony idea was the most popular. But the questions was where? At appeard 2 schools: American School and European School, with different ideas.
The first one thought that the population was later than 10.000 B.C from Beringia. And the second one thought that the population was earlier than 15.000 B.C, from Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
File:Beringia land bridge-noaagov.gif
Beringia Land Bridge. Animated gif of its progress from 21.000 B.C to modern time.

Nowadays, at 21st century, is thought that the population was later than 10.000 B.C but from Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

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