Wednesday, May 7, 2014

13. Another works. Addons

Another works.

In this area, I put some works, the teacher has told us to do, they are: 1.Santa Barbara's(California) harbor's flags, 2.The chinese colonization of America, 3.Maps of the world, 4.Differences between Spain and American colonies?, 5.The position of the mestizos in the Spanish colonies, 6.the position of the native indians in British colonies, 7.Social presence of the religion in America.  8.Valladolid debate,

1. Santa Barbara's harbor's flag:

Santa Barbara(California)'s harbor

In the last picture, has been taken in Santa Barbara's main harbor, show us a set of flags depicted, exaclty 12 flags. After that I'm going to explain whom belonged or belong to those flags and explain about that and theirs history, if we start in the right of the photo:

-The first one: 

This flag belonged to Charles Vth, it was put in Santa Barbara, when the first Spanish people arrived there, more or less in 16th century, when the King of Spain was Charles the emperor.

-The second one: 

This flag was the colonial Spanish flag, when Santa Barbara belonged to the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

-The third one:

This flag was from England, and it is put because in those coast of Santa Barbara arrived at 16th century from England some pirates or sailors like Sir Francis Drake

-The fourth one:

This flag belonged to Borbon's Spain, and we can say that Santa Barbara belonged to Spain until 1820, when the war of independence started. Borbon dinasty arrived to Spain in 1701.

-The fifth one:

This flag belonged to Imperial Russia, and is put there because at 18th century, Russia did some expedition to California.

-The sixth one:

This flag belonged to Argenitina. In 19th century, Argentina was fighting against Spain and Argentina's two or three ships arrived to Santa Barbara to fight against Spanish colonies.

-The seventh one:

This flag belonged to Imperial Mexico. And it is put in the harbor because from 1820 to the end of 19th century Santa Barbara was from Mexico.

-The eighth one:

This flag belonged to Republican Mexico. And it is put in the harbor because Santa Barbara was from Mexico.

-The nineth one:

This flag was California Battalion's banner. And it is put in the harbor, because the Captain John Fermont, the pathfinder, led surveys of California's territories from 1844-1846. He was also Lieutenant of Colonel in the U.S. Mounted Rifles at the start of the Mexican-American war in 1846. His Californian battlion captured Santa Barbara

-The tenth one:

This flag, was the flag of the Ancient California's republic.When California was an independent republic.

-The eleventh one:

This flag is the U.S.A's flag, and it is put because nowadays Santa Barbara is from California and California is U.S.A's state.

-The last one: 

This flag is the State of California's flag, and it is put because Santa Barbara is a city of California.


2.Chinese people in America. Why did not the chinese or Muslims protagonize, the age of discoveries? And therefore why the Europeans?

It isn't very normal, the chinese and muslim people did not protagonize the discoveries, because in that moment, they were ahead in the world and  the Europeans, who did the discoveries, were in the perifery of the world.

First of all we can say  that, the Europeans traded with the Muslims of Magreb changing silver or gold for slaves and ivory for example, and with the Byzantine Empire to take the Silk Route's spieces and other things. But when the turks, took Constantinople, the Byzantine Empires main city, the Silk Route was broken, and the in the Mediterranean sea appeared the pirates, so the Europeans had to find another routes to got those slaves, ibory and spieces.
The Portuguese people took the route around the coast of Africa and put some shettlements in those coast, in 1498 Vasco de Gama, a Portuguese sailor arrived to India, (the spieces came from India), and put the route to get the spices.
The routes of Portuguese sailors

But when the Spanish people ended the reconquest of Spain, tried to find another route to got the spieces, so in 1492 Cristopher Columbus went to the Catholics Kings and he showed a plan to go to India taking another route, more or less going to the west around the Atlantic Ocean. The Kings accepted the challenge and in  1492 he arrived to an island in America.
The routes that Columbus took to go to America

In the other hand, the muslim people did not want to take another route to got the spieces and ivory or slaves, and they did not try to find another route.
The route of Silk
And to finish this question, I am going to speak about why the chinese people did not try to find the route to America. First of all, the chinese were in a good strategious land, because they had a lot of land with rice, spieces and they were near to India and there they took the ibory an another spieces. And in the other hand, they had a big "armada", with big ships that they used to travel to Africa and Asia's lands to take slaves an another things, so they did not need another route to take things that they had.

Chinese merchants routes

Chinese treasure ship and Vasco de Gama's ship.


3. Maps of the World: Cartography

The discovery of a new geographical site, it is shown on the maps, since the ancient Greece until 16th century. When the Europeans arrived to America, the natives did not know about the continent, and the Europeans started to know about that. They had done some maps about the world, but in the ancient Greece and Rome appeared some maps of the world, but whitout America, of course.There are eleven main maps.

The first map: was from 1482. As described by Ptolemy (Ulm), the same knowledge than the Ptolemy period. But in the map appear more land than Ptolemy map, the land is Scandinavia, and more land. But the map was done by people from Mediterranean area, so Mediterranean Sea's lands are bigger than other lands, for instance Spain, Italy or Greece. And at the end of the map on the top left the land become mystical. And in Africa, the only part of Africa is the Mediterranean world, and the rest of that is unknown part. And the unknown part of the map was called "terra incognita". In that moment the peole thought that the world had 2/3 of land an 1/3 of sea.

The second map: was from 1490 and it was done by Henricus Martelius, is more or less the same than the other one, but at then we can see some differences. The first one in Africa, the second in Europe and the third one in Africa for instance appear the first ports or settlements in the coast, and the end of that.  In Asia appear too, more coast and sea finishing the land there. 

The third map: was from 1500 and it was done by Juan de la Cosa. In this map the part of Euroafrasia is done by the knowledge, and nowadays that we know like America appeared too. De la Cosa thought that was Asia's eastern coast.

The forth map: was from 1502, it was done by Cantino, an Italian. In this map appears the African coast and India is like nowadays we know. In the map we can see the first mention of "Nova Terra" (Americas)

The fifth map: was from 1507, done by Rusych. In this map Africa and Europe are better than the other ones but Asia is the mix of Ptolemy and Marco Polo's maps. Newfoundland appear there, and the Caribbean islands too. But is thought that Florida was an island. And the South America's eastern coast is Known but the other coast not.

The sixth map: was from1507, done by Waldsemuller. Appear Africa but is more or less the same than the second map. An America appears with its nowadays name.

The seventh map: was from 1513, done by Piri Reis. The first map done by Turkish. Africa and Europe is done good. On the top we can see San Brandal and on the bottom we can see South America(Brasil)  and more.  And In the North of America appears  Japan(Cipango)
The eight map: was from 1529, done by Diego Rivero: All of the map is quite good, better than the others. It  appears South America, Central America, Caribbean islands, North America, Africa and Europe. Disappeard the Ptolemy's influence.
The ninth map: was from,1534, done by Giovanni Battista Ramu: Appear America, North America, South America and Caribbean islands.

The 10th map: was from 1569, done  by Mercator:  Appear more or less, the map that we know, Asia, Europe, Africa, America(South America better than the North America) and Australasia's parts.
The 11th map: was from 1570, done by Ortellius: The world look just like a picture.

4. Are differences between Spain and American colonies, about the politicy?

When we speak about the differences between Spain and its American colonies, we speak about the policy, and we can say that in Spain the policy is more absolut than in the colonies.

First of all we can say that in Spain since the Catholic Kings started to centralizate the state, some powers strated to belong to kings, and they made an a compless crown organization, but with a high rate of absolutism. They put a big court, with cortesans, who are aristocratic people. In the other hand they put an big army called "Tercios" and a compless army. And at the end they put an a Church court called "Inquisición" to control all of their kingdoms.

In Americas colonies, the organization was different, and it was less centralizate than Spain. The organization was like this:
On the top was Viceroyalties, in the second step the General captancies and "governaciones" and at the last step the municipies. In the other hand royalty audiencies, wich had the power of justice.
So we can say that, in America the freedom were better than Spain once.


5.The position of the mestizos in the Spanish colonies:

At the first part of the colonization, the indigenous people did not have any rights, but the when the Spanish Crown do the New Laws, and there the indigenous people get rights, but they continued under the Spanish people in America. 
The society of the spanish colonies
In America Spanish people and indigenous people became couple and they had some children called mestizos, and of course, they were under the Spanish people but above indigenous people. 
Although, we have to say that when the black slaves arrived to America, the spanish people had children with those slaves, and mestizos the same. With all of those combinations appeared all kind of people, with combinations of the other combinations etc...



-Mestizo casto:
 Mestiza Casta




-Tente en el aire:
Tente en el aire



-Salta atrás:
Salta atrás

-Lobo tornatras:
Lobo torno atrás



No te entiendo



-Allí te estás:
Allí te estas

6. The position of the native indians in British colonies:

The position of the native indians in the British colonies was not so good, the organization of the society was so different to Spanish colonies organization. In the British colonies, because of the puritanism, the indians were not accepted by the colonial people and they lived separate from those.

There were 13 colonies, and at the first part of colonization, the indigenous people lived in the coast of New England and Virginia but when the colonies appeared, they were pushed out from there. They were put on the Mississipi river coast and Ohio river coast.

They created on the North, and Iroquois ligue, or the ligue or confederacy of  five nations of Iroquois. They were: Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondogas, Cayugas, Tuscanores and Senecas.
Iroquois confederacy

They were out of the society of the colonies, but when the English people or French people need their help, they called them and asked to help, and in some cases two gropus of iroquois fight against in those wars. For example in the French and Indian war, a war of France against to England, was from 1754 to 1763, the iroquois people war with one or other country, however when England won the war, they did not change its politics to indians, and they continued rejecting the indians, taking the indians lands, and killing them.


7. Social presence of the religion in America: in Spanish and British colonies.

The religion in America was so important, more in the spanish colonies, but we can say that it was so important in two empires' colonies.
In Spanish colonies the religion was more important than in the british, first of all because the monarchy put the Catholic religion like the only official religion and it controled the people from the colonies to the indigenous people and colonial people believe in Catholic God.
The monarchy sent missionaries, eventually "Jesuitas" to do the becomings in the Catholic religion the natives.
In the other hand in Spanish colonies, the archbishops and bishops took some important carges in the politicy of the colonies, most of them arrived to be Viceroy and another carges.
Jesuitas in America

In British colonies the religion was important but less than Spanish once. The different religions were free to practice, and this was possible because the minority religions in England, for instance Catholic religion, puritans or another one religion, in Americas they were free. But not like Spain, the churchmen did not arrive to the power of the colonies.
British churchmen in a ship

8.Valladolid debate:

The Valladolid debate or "Junta de Valladolid", was a debate from 1550 to 1551 in Valladolid in the "Colegio San Gregorio" about the situation of the indigenous people of America, and with two different position about this topic.

The first one which was the position against to indigenous people and which defendenced the superiority of Spanish people and which defendenced the overworking of those people, and became slave those, whose defensor was:  Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda.
Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda.jpg
Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda
The second one which was the position to be in favor of the indigenous people and which defendenced of their freedom and which denied the slavery, whose defensor was: Bartolomé de las Casas.

Bartolomé de las Casas
At the end no one won the debate, but  Bartolomé de las Casas said and demostrated, that the indigenous people had a rationality because they had good arquitectonic and another things:

"Menor razón hay para que los defectos y costumbres incultas y no moderadas que en estas nuestras indianas gentes halláremos nos maravillen y, por ellas, las menospreciemos, pues no solamente muchas y aun todas las repúblicas fueron muy más perversas, irracionales y en prabidad más estragadas, y en muchas virtudes y bienes morales muy menos morigeradas y ordenadas. Pero nosotros mismos, en nuestros antecesores, fuimos muy peores, así en la irracionalidad y confusa policía como en vicios y costumbres brutales por toda la redondez desta nuestra España"

After the debate, in 1542, the monarchy did some laws in favor of the indigenous people and where appeared the denied of the slavery of those people, but not the slavery of the black people.

New Laws
