Wednesday, May 7, 2014

7. Slavery and the business of this. 18th and 19th of February of 2014

18th and 19th of Ferbruary of 2014

We have done at eighth and nineth days:

Slavery and the business of this:

At the eight and nineth days, the teacher has told us about the slavery and about the business of this topic.

The slavery was invented at 16th century, but before that the slavery exist in the Roman Empire, and in the Middle Age, and we can say that the muslims took slaves from Middle Africa to Mediterranean sea's ports but when the Ottomans took Constantinople and closed the routes of trade, the Europeans started to find another routes to took slaves in Africa, and since the Europeans found America put a triangular commerce web on Atlantic Ocean.

Triangular commerce:
-Europe to: America,products from Europe and African slaves
                  Africa,products from Europe
-Africa to:  America, products from Africa and slaves
-America to:  Europe, poducts from America

                                                                Triangular commerce

The organization of the trade was difficult, and we can say that was participation of the crowns called "Asiento", at it was trade bringing from Africa to America fixed slavery people. We know that in a Brithis America's colonies the taxation was most huge than other crowns and countries.

The calculating of the trade was called Pieza de Indias, and one pieza of indias was a young male person, called bozal, they were 15-30 years old. The Young female was 0'75 of pieza and if they were chil, they were called child bozal and they were 0,5 of pieza.

-Capturing Slaves in Africa:
In the ports of the coast of Afica the Europeans put settlements to trade with African Kingdoms or countries, but the Europeans didn't hunter slaves, because in the christianity, it isn't acceptable done that, only when the excuse is cannibalism.

-The Travel to America:
The travel wasn't good, because the sailors put the slaves on the ship so that the space was maximized. But the travel was two month and a half. And while the travel, could be spend riots and uprising, and the health of the slaves wasn't very good. At XVIth century the 40% of the slaves died befroe arriving to America, at 17th was the 20%, at 18th was 10% but at the end of the 18th century and the 19th century more than 10% slaves died.
And the sailors not to pay more than they put on the contrats, put more slaves than they signed.

-From where, to where...
All of the slaves were from Afican Coast and most of them went to Brazil, Spanish Empire and British Empire
And then they were put on plantations of sugar, tobaco, cocoa and cottom.

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