Sunday, May 4, 2014

5. The Conquest of the Americas (1492-.....) 4th and 5th of Ferbruary of 2014

4th and 5th of February:

We have done for the forth and day:
The conquest of the Americas(1492-.....)

At the forth and the fifht day the teacher said us, when we speak about the conquest of America, we can take into account two concepts: Conquest and Colonization.

-Conquest: means invide the land becoming yours using force, or, The subjugation and assumption of control of a place using violence.
-Colonization: Establish political control on the indigenous people of an area. This is word using in 18th century.

The conquest of America was done from 15th century to 19.century, but the most important periods were 16th and 17th centuries. The first one was the period of Iberian conquest and colonization, only by Portuguese people and Castilian people. The second onde was the period of the rest of countries. At the first period, the richest part of Americas become Spanish.

16th century: Castille and Portugal cases

-Case of Castille:
The first conquest was Hispaniola and at hte end of the century Castille finished its conquest.

                                                                 A map of Precolombial period Latinoamerica, 
                                                                       North America a and South America.

1.The first period is the Colonish period. It is based on a conquest of islands and put some settlements or ports to comerce with "Canton(China)" but it wasn't true, because they comerced with Americas' civlizations.
File:Indias 1513.PNG
                                                                  Islands and Mainland in the Ocean Sea at 1513
2. From 1510 to 1520 was the sencond period, It was based the route to "China" and the spanish people took gold or another metal to Spain and to do that the Spanish people make relations whit Aztecs and Mayas.
3. From 1521 to 1550 is done the conquest of the Great Empires, the first one was Aztec Empire by Cortés and the second one was Inca Empire by Pizarro. At that moment the Spanish people thought that over Mexica's land was the 7 cities of Cibola and over the Inca's was El Dorado.
4. At 1580 Phillippe the second decided, not to move more. And at 18th century the spanish wasn't move more.

-Case of Portugal:
1Portuguese people from 1500 to 1502 put some ports called "feitorias" usually at the ends of rivers to trade with indiguenous people. And to do that they needed some people and becasuse of that, they couldn't do that, they began conquest Brasil with capitanies since 1532. And we casn say that the conques wasn't done by the state, but the King gave to some people privileges.
2. The second step was the create political state.

                         Castilian and Portuguese colonies and "feitorias" in Americas at the finish of XVIth century 

17th century: France, England, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark cases.

The first settlements were put in Newfoundland and Nowadays Canada's east coast. At 1524 was done by Cartier the first expedition to Americas, and they were called by Cartier New France. From 1530 to 1540 the french people put settlements in the coast of Saint Laurent River, for instance: Quebec and Montreal foundated by Ascona and Ochelaga(Basque people). Those colonies made commerce with the indigenous people trading fish and other thigs.
From 1603 to 1632 Samuel de Champlain founded some cities and Quebec, Acadia and Louisiana passed to French Crown. From Quebec to New Orleans, at that moment Nouvelle Orleans, French people put a route doing some Settlements. And in another part of Americas, in Caribean sea, France took from Spanish Crown some islands but in the little Antilles.

The first settlement was put in nowadays Virginia, at 1607 and it called Jamestown. Since that moment to 18th century English people did some colonies in Hudson Bay Territorie, Caribean Sea's small islands to trade with the British Empire and to pirating, stolen silver,gold and another thigs to Spanish.

Norther America. In the map we can see, English colonies, French Colonies, Spanish Colonies and Russian Colonies.


The first colony from this country was Niew Amsterdam and in the Caribean Sea took some islands from Spanish Empire from 1625 to 1664.

-Sweden: they put some settlements on the Hudson River.

Sweden colony
-Denmark: They took Greenland, and in the Caribean Sea some islands for instance: St Thomas and St Croix.

The collision of countries:

In Americas the countries from Europe against between them to took the biggest part of land.
-Russian people conques Siberia and Alaska and the last one was buyed by U.S.A in 1860
-1763, after the Franco Indian war, the Frech people lost their colonies in Americas by the English people, and the rest part of their colonies were given to Spain. And for example the Acadian people went to Louisiana, which belonged to Spain at that moment and become cajun people.
-1780 It was done the treaty of limits and the expansion of Brazil

The end of the conques of Americas:
-After the independence of U.S.A, the American people conquested the land from Mississipi river to California, and the Argentinian people conquested Patagonia, called The conquest of the Desert, and from 1861 to 1883 was the war on Arauca. And Brazil from 1880 to 1960 has done the occupation of the Amazonia.

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