Wednesday, May 7, 2014

12. Piracy: Pirates, Bucaneers and Corsaries. 6th of March of 2014

6th of March of 2014

We have done at the sixteenth day:

Piracy: Pirates, Bucaneers and Corsaries:

At the sixteenth day, the teacher has told us about the last topic of the course, piracy and prevateers, more or less, pirates, bucaneers, corsaries, etc...

The piracy was a thing, that it was as old as the economy's trade. Pirates existed in the Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, Middle Age and in the Modern Age, in the Caribbean and other parts of the world. And nowadays, more or less, in the coast of from Somalia to Tanzania in Africa, and in other parts of the world.
But at the Early Modern Age, in the piracy appeared differents kind of piracy, the most important were, the real piracy and other the privateers.


Privateer is an armed ship that is privately owned and manned, commissioned by a government to fight harass enemy ships.
If we speak about the legislation of those, the privateers were used, for instance: In 1289 by Pisa, in 1356 by Castille or from 1596 to 1622 by the Netherlands. But to be a privateer, you need some credentials, for example in the Azcarraga's El corso marítimo, is mentioned some thing that became the privateer in a pirate:

-He hasn't got a carte blanche.
-He continued attacking ships after the deadline of the carte blanche, of after the end of the war
-He has accepted carte blanches from more than one crown
-He keeps all the ships and cargo for himself, without giving the legal share to Crown.
-He accepts a carte blanche from a foreing Crown with the explicit prohibition of his natural king
-He acts agains ius gentium, of if he uses a false flag
-He does not voluntarily surrender the result of his activities upon the tribunal legally set up for this purpose
-He attacks enemy's ships in their rivers

Pirate is one who robs at sea, or plunders the land from the sea, without commission from sovereing nation.

In America the piracy took another two names: Bucaneer and Filibuster
-Bucaneer: is a pirate, especially one of the freebooters who preyed on Spanish shipping in the West Indies during the 17th century
-Filibuster: is the person who use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolongued speechmaking, for the pupose of delaying legislative action. This name has two possible origin: The first one is Vrij buiter(Free booter) and the second one is Vrije boot( Fly boat)

The piracy has different reasons:
-The first one is the atractiveness of the "El Dorado". This is called the Spanish comerce, because the Spanish people took good metals in America and traded whit those metals in Europe, and at the Early Modern Age the international politics were so difficult and they had some problems, for instance the commercial monopoly  in America by Spain and Portugal, the extension of the European wars to the colonies, and the last one the Wars of Religion.
-The second one is the atractiveness of piracy for some sectors of European population for instance:
the freedom, the people who didn't want the life by the power of the crowns, and the people who had been slave, the possibility  of social upgrading, and the last one desire for aventures.
-The third one is the weakness of the Spanish Empire, for instance, because it has a large geograpy, scant population, and lack of defences. In the other hand the Spanish fleet lost its technical quality, and at the las one, it could be the loss of the control of The Caribbean sea.

The piracy's phases:

The first period was from 1521 to 1568. In this period the most important kind of privateer was the contraband by England and France. For example the contraband done by Jean Fleury, or the attacks, in 1528 to Margarita and Puerto Rico, in 1536 to Chagres and La Habana, in 1538 to Santiago de Cuba and in 1543 to San German of Puerto Rico,  in 1553 François LeClerc called "Jambe de Bois" became the first French privateer, and after the decade of 1560 John Hawkins the english privateer.

John Hawkins

The second period was from 1569 to 1621. In this period the most important piracy came from England an Netherlands. For example one privateer was Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh and in 1621 dissapeared the Netherlands' piracy because they made the West Indische Compagnie, and they conquest some lands in North America, South America and Africa, the most part of them from Portugal. And of course they started doing the triangular commerce.
Sir Francis Drake
The third period was from 1622 to 1655. In this period the most important piracy, was the free piracy, not belonged to any Crown. For instance the shettlement of Boucaniers in Norther Hispaniola dissapeard and they went to Tortuga. Another pirates took some shettlements for example Jamaica, or Nassau in Bahamas
Map of the Caribbean sea.

The forth period was from 1656 to 1671. In this period the most important piracy was the filibustering, for example by Morgan.

The last period was from 1672 to 1722. In this period spent the decadence of Piracy, and it passed the failure of the policy to "domesticate" the bucaneers.

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