Tuesday, May 6, 2014

6. The evolution of population.The immigration of Europeans. Figures,control, legislation. 11th,12th and 13th of February of 2014

11th,12th and 13th of February

We have done at the sixth and seventh day:

The evolution of population.The immigration of Europeans. Figures,control, legislation:

At the sixth and seventh day, the teacher has told us about the evolution of the population in America, whit the immigration of Europeans and what control and legislation used for it. At the first day we read textes about the topic of the dissapearing of the indigenous people, and we must have to take some factors to explain this topic.

The evolution of indigenous population:
At the end we showed our explanation about this topic and the factor that appeared were those: 
Direct Killings, overworking, famine, disruptor of societies and indigenous collapse.

But are differents examples about this topic, because of the different owner of those lands; it wasn't the same the North indigenous people condition or The south indigenous people. The indegenous or indian people, is the people who weren't white but the at the moment, the legal form is the people who had 100% blood of Indians.

In the Spanish Empire the indigenous people in the first part of the colononization dissapeard, for instance in Hispaniola or Cuba island, in the second part of the colonization the big amount of the indigenous died in bad conditions, for example working in the mines, and in the third part of the colonization, the Spanish empire's king and governors declared ilegal the slavery of the indigenous, so indigenous people get into the Spanish empire's society. Nowadays we can say that more or less, all of people were living in South America was half-blood(mestizo), a mixed of white and indigenous people.

    Aztecs, Mayas and Incas

But in the other hand, in the British Colonies the people from those colonies, didn't accep the indigenous because their religion, above all the puritans.

Iroquois ligue

The immigration of Europeans.Figures,control and legislation:
Since 1600 about 74 milion people migrated from than birthplace to other kingdom, state or land.
In the case of Europeans, the agest of big migrations started whith the conquest of America. In the Early Modern Age, the European migratory process, the two meanings of "colonization" appear together. Are three models but two main model, the first one Iberian model: Castille+Portugal, the second one English/British model and the last one the less important French model.

-Castile/Spain Model:

In the colonial age, we don't know about  the how many people went to America, because there are some difficulties to know that, and this is not a very clear concept, and they are different methods to computing those amount of people, and we have only the lists of travellers, because is the only legal emigration. 
But  in the other hand the ilegal emigration exist so it become the knowledge imposible. 
To add to it, we can say that in America appeared two kind of Spanish people, the European Spanish people and the Spanish people who born in America, called "criollos"

The Spanish people were from Castilian Crown and Navarre until 18th century when the Catalunian people went to America.
But the Crown put a difficulties to travel to America, and to travelling the people had to be catholic and subject of Castille, and the people more or less prefered go to Aztec's and Inca's empires, where there were the stronger colonies.
-Immigration to the British colonies, the English model:
This immigration started since 17th century until the Independence of the U.S.A. But the organization was different in this case. First of all because the colonization was done by the people not by the Crown, and the colonization of the East coast of the Norther America is different. For example  the Puritans went to Massachussets by the Mayflower ship. Quackers went to Rhode Island and some part of Delaware, Catholics went to Maryland and so one...
After was another people who appeared.At the end of 17th century, English was 1/4 milion, 100.000 from Germany and another from France, Netherlands and Sweden.
    British colonies in North America
  -The colonies of France:
French people, put colonies from Acadia in the Norh east coast of North America, following the St Lawrence river to the Great Lakes and then following Mississipi river to New Orleans. Those lands called, the north New France and the south Louisiana. And in the Caribean sea France put some colonies in some little islands and in the west coast of Hispaniola island, nowadays Haiti.

Those colonies were connected by some settlements around the rivers, and they were put by French people and some soldiers but not more than 100. 
In 1654 they were around 300 people, but in 1666 they were 3215 people and six years after, they were 7000 inhabitants. 
In 1773 the total population was about between 65000 and 70.000 people but, at that moment, the North Part of the French colonies belonged to British Empire and Louisiana to Spain.

            Nouvelle France and Louisiana, French colonies


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