Wednesday, May 7, 2014

9. British colonies society organization. 26th of Februray of 2014

26th of February of 2014

We have done at the twelfth day

British colonies society organization:

At the twelfth day the teacher has told us about the society and organization of the British colonies in the Early Modern Age, since XVIth century until the Independence of the colonies.

At 16th century, North America’s British colonization start in Roanoke in 1586-91 by Walter Raleigh  worked to English crown and he was the lover of Elisabeth the 1st, was the first man who taken the tobacco and carried to England. 

At 17th century, the really colonization started, the English crown try to perform an organization and began the King James’ grants, and English people want lands from south barrel and the north barrel. To do that, at 1606 in England was created companies, but those companies had to recognize the king’s power in those lands. London’s company and Plymouth Company were the companies who must have done the colonization.
One year after that, at 1607 the London company did the first British colony created in the North, the city of Jamestown, but in 1624 disappear The London company.

The Plymouth company also finish by 1635 because is disappear. The Plymouth Company did Plymouth city at 1629 and the land was called Massachusetts.

And in 1629 the Massachusetts Bay Company did colonization with people who want to go to colony and left their real land.

When this form of colonization finished, the crown instead of gave grants to companies, gave grants to companies and privet people, but if they demonstrated they had money and sources to do that. And it base in, to take a portion and prolonged this portion to the end of the land. And the land what doesn’t belong to anyone this land belong to kings( Common Law).

 From the 30ties to the middle of the century, the North part of the colonies belong to Penn, and there were called Pennsylvania, for example.
In the South it was done by a different form, because they belonged to Crown and mantend  those colonies, and they were named, Caroline and Georgia.

-Forms of colonization:

The first step was since 1632 until 1640. They went to North part of Colonies and they called it New England. They were 20.000 people more or less and they were Middle/Low class people, mainly farmers but not only.

The second step was since 1642 until 1660. They went to South part of Colonies called Virginia, and they were about 40.000 people, who were  big landowners, middle class Indentured.

The third step was since 1700 but thery weren't English people. In 1750 a quarter of the total population in the colonies has no English ethnic origin. For example the Huguenot from Bayonne. The irish-scottish people, and Amish( From Germany).

All of the colonies were separated by Mason-Dixon line, to divide Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Delaware.

 The British empire in North America.

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