Wednesday, May 7, 2014

10. The Church in the colonies. 27th of February of 2014

27th of February of 2014

We have done at the thirteenth day

The Church in the colonies:

At the thirtheenth day the teacher has told us about the power of the church in the colonies, and what kind of things it did on the Colonies.

At the 16th and 18th centuries, the church had a lot of power in the colonies, and we can see a very big collaboration, with Kings and Church, and there were juridical relationship between church and state. From the beginning there was The Royal Patronato of the Indies, and the Colonial people belonged to Catholic church of Rome. 
In the Bourbon era the defense of Regalism become more important.

The patronato was an agreement between, the church and the civil powers, about the control of the church(as local space). Agreement between the Crown of Castille(owner of the sovereignty rights on America, and the Holy See, in order to regulate their relationships.

To do that the Crown and the Holy church did some legal text, which permited to control those churchmen and the parishioners.
There are the main texts:

-Pope Alexander’s bulls, 1493
-Bull of donation of tithes (hamarrena), 1501

-Bull of Universal Patronato, 1508

In all of these bulls, there were the juridical foundations of the DONATION. And there were others, for instance, obligations(foundation and provision), and Rights (presentation for ecclesiastical positions).

The rights of Patronato were granted by the Pope, through the following four bulls to the king of Castille:
1.      Inter caetera(Alexander VI) 1493
1.      The Crown accepts the exclusive obligation of supportin the efforts to evangelize the Indians.
2.      In order to Christianize the Indians, it is necessary to send missionaries. Sr the Crown has both:
The right to select the missionaries to be sent.
Th obligation to support financially their transport and maintenance in America.

II: Eximiae Devotionis Sinceritas(Alexander VI) 1501.
III. Universalis Ecclesiae refiminis(Julius II) 1508.
IV. Expone Nobis: Omnimoda(Adrian VI) 1522. The Kings of Castile are granted the right to elect the missionaries to be sent  to America(from the list  presented by the authorities of the religious orders). The Crown(through the Council of the Indies) will determine the NUMBER and the actual DESIGNATION of the candidates.

Limits of Patronato What cannot the Crown do?
-To give any rule on doctrine and dogma.
-To act against the immunity and particular jurisdiction of the clergy and the Church.
And what can do?
-To develop a system for controlling the activities of the churchmen elected by the aforementioned system of “presentation”.
-An overall control of all the ecclesiastical institutions dioceses, parishes, hospitals temples in general anything related to the Church.

-The control of all the economic income of the Church, and specially the correct application of the Royalo Two Ninths of the tithes.

The weak limits of the control:
-“Pase region”
-No nuncios in America
-Visits “ad Liminia”
-No to Propaganda Fide
-Strich control of the council of the American bishops and archbishops.
Evolution of Patronato:
-Patronato as such: 1492.1574
-The vicarship of the indies: 1574-1749
-Bourbon regalism: 1749-1821
After the independence the new sates will claim their right for a “national patronato”.

-Missions or the border 17th century, on the British colonies:
They were done in the border of the indies, and in the border or empires. But we can say, that not in the all part of the colonies the missions were the same, because in the different colonies the religion was different.

P.D: I do not understand very good this topic, so I do not know if it will not be fine.

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